by Marilene Phipps | May 2, 2017 |
The Butterfly’s Way: Voices from the Haitian Dyaspora in the United States (“Pour Water on My Head: A Meditation on a Life of Painting and Poetry” is the poetic essay by Marilène Phipps contributed here) In five sections—Childhood, Migration,...
by Marilene Phipps | May 2, 2017 |
So Spoke the Earth: The Haiti I Knew, the Haiti I Know, the Haiti I Want to Know (“From Haiti With Love” is the story by Marilène Phipps contributed here. See writing sample in Prose section) This multilingual anthology of literature about Haiti explores...
by Marilene Phipps | May 2, 2017 |
CRAB ORCHARD REVIEW Vol. 2 No. 2 Spring/Summer 1997 A Special Issue of African, Afro-Caribbean, and African American Writing Paperback – 1997 (“Caribbean Childhood,” “Marassa Spirits of Haiti,” “Sunday Knife,” and...
by Marilene Phipps | May 2, 2017 |
Grolier Poetry Prize Marilène Phipps was the 1st prize winner in this national competition (“Man Nini” was one of the prize-winning poems by Marilène Phipps. See writing sample in Poetry...
by Marilene Phipps | May 2, 2017 |
Poets for Haiti – An Anthology of Poetry and Art – 2010 (“The Fall of Sanctuaries”–aka “Earthquake”– is the poem by Marilène Phipps contributed here. See writing sample in Poetry section)....